About Me
Here is Shengyuan Yang (杨声远).
I am a first year PhD student of Computer Science at University of Wisconsin-Madison. My research interest lies in static program analysis and other programming languages topics.
I received my B.E. as well as M.E. in Software Engineering from Nanjing University. I was a member of PASCAL research group at Nanjing University, where I worked with Professor Yue Li and Tian Tan and did research in static analysis.
For more info, check my Resume
Context Sensitivity without Contexts, A Cut-Shortcut Approach to Fast and Precise Pointer Analysis (Paper, Artifact)
Wenjie Ma#, Shengyuan Yang#, Tian Tan, Xiaoxing Ma, Chang Xu, Yue Li
(the author with # contributed equally to this work)
44nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI’ 2023)
Undergraduate Thesis
- Hymers: a hybrid heap abstraction tool to accelerate pointer analysis by dividing abstract heaps into different categories to apply corresponding abstraction methods.
Competition Projects
- A Side-Scrolling Tactical RPG: a game developed by Unity, lead an 8-person team to win 1st place in Game Development Contest by Thunder Fire Studio, NetEase & Nanjing University.
- Campus Vacant Classroom Wayfinding App: an Android App using WIFI detection to locate the user’s position in buildings, and enabling in-building navigation for vacant classrooms, won 1st place in hackathon by Academic Collaboration Dept., Microsoft Research Asia & Nanjing University.
Selcted Course Projects
- OCEANIA: a web system to visualize the call-graph of a given program uploaded by users. Led a 3-person team and impelemented 2 call-graph construction strategies (a fast code traversal solution and a precise pointer analysis solution).
- Online Cinema System: a 2KLOC web system that releases, schedules, and sells tickets for cinema.
- Online Judge System: as the scrum manager, help a 4-person team to complete an agile software process in developing an online judge system in 2 sprints, using Zenhub, Kanban and burndown charts.
- Test Impact Selction Tool: leveraged static analysis framework WALA to design and implement a tool that selects test cases impacted by a given change.
News and Updates
- April 2023:Our paper has been accepted by PLDI 2023 (as the co-first author).
- Vedio Games: Soulsborne, crpg, fire emblem, indie games
- Science Fiction & Detective Novels: Ted Chiang, 小林 泰三, 西泽 保彦, 江户川 乱步, 京极 夏彦
- I’m learning electric guitar